
Fate ch16 (DMC classic) Reader/Vergil

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Chapter 16: Only Human

“But learn that to die is a debt we must all pay.”


Pain. Your while body throbs dully with pain as you wake from sleep. Opening your eyes, you find yourself on Vergil’s fancy couch. Slowly, your midnight kidnapping comes back to you. That’s right; you were poisoned by that group of werewolves. You have one week before it will claim your life.  Well, either that or you lure Vergil to that parking lot where the werewolves will kill him on your behalf.

Even with the poison you didn’t expect to feel this horrible this soon. Then again, you did have a bad fever. The house is quiet and still; the only light is dim, coming in from thick curtains blocking out every window.

You jump when a figure standing against a nearby wall moves. “Your fever has grown worse.” You’re relieved to discover the figure to be Vergil and not a werewolf.

That’s right, your furry kidnapper was silent last night so you doubt even Vergil heard him. Which also means that Vergil doesn’t know about your abduction or that you have been poisoned. Should you tell him? If you do, would he even care? You doubt he would, but then again he has surprised you on that topic more than once. He took care of you the last time you had a deadly poison running through your veins.

If you do tell him, what will he do? Let you die? Or would he confront the werewolves? You know that he would never sacrifice himself for someone as lowly as you, but he may fight the beasts for you in an attempt to get the antidote. After all, the werewolves never said you couldn’t tell Vergil about the whole ordeal. But what if they over power him? What if they really do kill him? His blood would be on your hands and the guilt would kill you emotionally for the rest of your life. But if he is able to defeat the beasts then both you and Vergil can live and continue on.

You close your eyes, deciding to think it over before making a move. You have one week. One week to decide life or death. One thing is for sure. You won’t be able to get out of this without someone dyeing. The only question is: will it be you, Vergil or the werewolves who are only mourning over the death of a little girl? A little girl who’s blood is on your hands.

You must have dosed off thinking because the next thing you know, Vergil is waking you up while handing you a cup of hot soup. You sit up and gladly accept the hot liquid filled cup. As you sip on it, a smile spreads on your lips. You can’t picture Vergil cooking. The mental image of him cooking with a frilly apron on makes you giggle softly. A sting in your throat warns you that giggling is painful, so you stop. Great, a sore throat; what next?

Growing up, you never liked being sick. Then again, who does? You remember your dad making you soup like this when you were home sick from school. He would bring it up to your room and let you eat in bed. He would also read to you a lot when you were sick. Having the TV on always made your headaches worse. You remember him reading all kinds of stories to you. About knights rescuing princesses’ from towers and saving them from fierce dragons. A few about assassins, ninja’s, vampires, fairies, pirates and werewolves. You had always though that all of those stories were nothing but…well, stories. Who would have thought that your dad would have read you a story about werewolves when you were sick, and now, the reason why you’re as sick as you are is because werewolves. Well, werewolves and an inconsiderate devil. Then again, Vergil is a lot more considerate than he lets on or wants others to believe. After all, he’s taken care of you so far.

Vergil’s saved you from demons, Alice and Arkham. He’s, surprisingly, taken care of you when you were poisoned last time. He allows you to remain at his side, which in itself is its own mysterious miracle. After all, even his own brother, Dante seemed surprised and dumbfounded as to why Vergil allows you to stay with him. He’s clearly not a people person. Not with the way that he silently threatens every breathing thing with a cold glare. And yet here you are, in his house, sitting on his couch, eating a cup of soup he made for you because you’re sick.

You bite your lip in thought. Why is he doing this? Why does he do all this stuff for you? If you were anyone else would he have killed you or let that lion demon kill you the night your dad was killed? With the way he treats and acts around people, you have a strong feeling he would. If someone else was you that night, would he have allowed them the same privileges he’s giving to you?

Your eyes shift over to Vergil’s form; his back to you as he gazes out the living room window, unmoving. Your thoughts move to what Kodlak had said.

"Which makes me all the more curious as to why he saved you. I know enough about him to know that he despises humans. The only thing he cares for is gaining his father’s power. But even you, yourself said you've known him for eight days. Clearly there is nothing special about you; you're just a normal human. Yet he's allowed you to be close to him for so long. It's odd."

"Perhaps Vergil has grown a soft spot for humans like his father.”

Is gaining his father’s power truly all Vergil cares about? Does gaining his father’s power have something to do with what he and Arkham are up to? Something to do with those ‘seals’? But if that’s true then why are you here? Why is Vergil allowing you to be here? Even Kodlak had said you’re just a normal human. And it’s not like Vergil was looking for you or anything. If he wanted you for some evil plan or something then he could have easily kidnaped you the night you first met him when he saved you from those thugs.

Is it true perhaps? That Vergil really has grown a soft spot for humans? If that was true though, then he wouldn’t glare at them or act like they’re some sort of gross bug. What sets you apart from them? Why aren’t you a gross bug?

Perhaps you could ask him? After all, what’s the worst he could do to you? Kill you? You’ll be dead in a week anyways. At least then you won’t have to figure out what to do about your whole poisoned situation.

You continue to bite your lip as you stare absently in thought at Vergil’s blue coated back. It’s not fair to ask that question when you couldn’t answer the same. Maybe you should stop questioning why Vergil is letting you stay and should start to ask yourself why you stay. Sure, he’s done a lot for you but still, you’ve seen him kill. Sure, they were demons or monsters but you have little doubt that he has, or will, kill humans who get in his way. His dad was a powerful devil and his mom a human. If your assumption is correct, then he’s half devil, if not a full one. You’re not too sure on genetics and even Arkham had called him a devil so you know he has at least some devil blood in him.

He’s threatened you, held a sword at your throat, and has gotten you sick. He’s dragged you to creepy crypts and a house where an old man was killed by demons over a stupid, dusty book. He’s never told you to leave, aside from that one time when Arkham went crazy and killed Kalina. But even then, Vergil found you again. Why do you stay with a cold hearted murderous devil? In a way, he’s no different than the lion demon that killed your dad.

Once again you find yourself asking that same question that has been plaguing your mind. What is Vergil to you?

The next morning, you wake up feeling like you were hit by a bus and ran over with a steam roller. Everything hurt. It hurt to talk, move, and breath, even opening your eyes hurts! You feel like your body is just drained of energy. You doubt you could move even if you wanted to. Weren’t you supposed to have a week before this poison killed you? It shouldn’t be….. Something crosses your mind that makes your blood run cold. Your fever. The stupid dogs didn’t know you had it when they injected the poison into you. What if the combo is doing more damage than they thought? That in mind and taking into consideration how fast your body has weakened you don’t even have a week. You could die any day, any hour. Hell, you could die tomorrow for all you know!

You struggle to open your heavy eyes. Looking around reveal the room and curtain covered windows to be dark. It’s ether in the middle of the night or so early morning that the sun hasn’t even come up yet. You just lay there, body throbbing in pain. That’s when you make your decision. This is how you can repay Vergil for all he’s done for you. For saving and watching out for you, even when you wouldn’t always listen to him. For Vergil, you will die.

This means that you cannot tell him what happened. If he finds out then there’s at least a small chance that he’ll try to go after those werewolves and get the antidote. Not only would his life be in danger but if he goes, then you’ll have just been a burden to him again. No, you will not tell him. Besides, for all he knows, you’re just really sick and will have died by a fever.

Slowly, your heavy eyes close, unable to keep them open any longer. You allow your mind to drift into numbing darkness, well aware that you may never wake. Before you lose consciousness, you allow your thoughts to drift. You think about the friends you protected by leaving behind. About your mom’s gentle smiling face before the thugs killed her. About your dad’s happy laugh when you went on vacation together and had gotten lost for three hours. About Kalina and how kind she was to a complete stranger. But most of all, you think about Vergil and that despite everything cold about his nature and personality, he allowed you, a plain normal human, to see him go against his devilish nature.
Whoo! Finally got this chapter done! I was SOOO scared last night!! I had JUST finished this chapter and a HUGE virus had invaded my laptop and had completely locked it down so I could only turn it on or off. It was locked on this message from 'Home Land Security' and said they caught me down all this illegal crap and that I had 47 hours to go get a prepaid credit card and pay them $300 to get my computer unlocked and that if I didn't then the police would come and arrest me. Even hacked into my webcam and took a picture of me! (CREEEEEPYY!! @.@ ) I did a little research on my ipod, fining this HIGHLY suspicious and found out it was a scam. Scammers use a virus to lock your laptop and try to scare people into giving them money. They ask for a prepaid card because it can't be traced or the money recovered.
In order to get rid of it I had to pretty much hack into my own computer and restore it to a earlier date. I THANKFULLY did NOT lose this chapter! (I thought I'd have to retype the while thing!! T_T ) It's called the 'Home Land Security Virus' and is becoming more of a problem in the USA. There is also a very similar one saying it's from the FBI. Apparently there's also a similar one going around in the UK. My friend Jenna has gotten this Home Land Security Virus 3 times this year already. It just pops up and it seems there's no real way to prevent it other than running security scans on your computer regularly.

So that was my adventure. And from now on I have a piece of duct tape covering my webcam. (it was SUPPER CREEPY HOW THEY HACKED IT!!! @.@ )

I hope that you enjoy this update and thank God that I didn't have to retype this whole thing!! :D
As always, please share with me your thoughts on this update and let me know what you think. Thank you! :)
© 2013 - 2024 Seif114
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Maixsu's avatar
OMG!!! the damn virus!!! D: it really sound creepy!!!!! i am happy that you can resolve the problem!!.  Haahahahaha the duct tape on the webcam make me burst at laugh!! xDDDD sorry hahahahaha i imagine it and i was laughing like crazy xD

OMG!!!! i missed your stories!! >3<!!! and this one it´s getting better and better xD